Saturday, June 17, 2017


BAPRM 47634
As our company dealing with the fruits and vegetable the customers are advised to use more fruits for the better health. The following are some fruits which used by human being for good health.

Packed with a punch

You've heard of super foods, but super fruits. Not every fruit qualifies. Those deemed "super" by nutrition scientists are packed with antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and other nutrients that can help you live longer, look better, and even prevent disease.
Best of all, most are widely available, even at your local grocery store, promises Keri Glass man, R.D., founder of Nutritious Life and author of Slim Calm Sexy Diet. One caveat: super fruits are best consumed whole, not processed. So if possible, try to buy and eat these fruits fresh. Experts estimate that you should be eating five to nine portions of fruit or vegetables a day, and most of them should be super fruits.


Surprise! America's favorite fruit is a secret super fruit, thanks in part to its red or green color. Apples are a great fiber source, but the skin contains quercetin, an antioxidant that packs antihistamine and anti-inflammatory power, and therefore may help protect you from heart disease and possibly allergic reactions. A study from St. George's Hospital Medical School in London found that people who eat five or more apples a week have better lung function than those who don't. So slip an apple into your lunch bag today.


Ever grab a snack but then feel hungry again 20 minutes later. Next time, reach for a banana. This super fruit is loaded with potassium, which can lower your blood pressure, and is one of the best sources of resistant starch, a healthy crab that fills you up and helps to boost your metabolism.

Citrus fruits

All citrus, from limes to tangerines, are chock-full of vitamin C, fiber, and small amounts of other nutrients and disease-fighting chemicals. It's the C that makes citrus a super fruit, says Glass man, because this vitamin counters the effects of sun damage, regulates oils glands, and can even prevent age spots.


If you manage to eat just one medium orange, then you'll already have your reached recommended daily intake of vitamin C, which keeps your immune system humming. This familiar sweet fruit is also a great source of fiber, potassium, calcium, folate, and other B vitamins, so take one with your everywhere you go.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Marketing of horticultural crops is quite complex and risky due to the perishable nature of the produce, seasonal production and bulkiness. The spectrum of prices from producer to consumer, which is an outcome of demand and supply of transactions between various intermediaries at different levels in the marketing system, is also play an important role in price levels at various stages viz. From gate to the ultimate user.
These features make the market market system of fruits to differ from other agricultural commodities particularly in providing time, form and space utilities. While the market infrastructure is better developed for food grains, fruits and vegetables markets are not that well developed and markets are congested and unhygienic.
BAPRM 47527

Saturday, June 10, 2017


            As a Public Relations officer at Lucky Fruits & Vegetable Company Ltd I would to take this opportunity to announce to the public that from 13th june 2017 to 20th July 2017we are going to have a campaign so as to persuade people to use fruits and vegetables for their health benefit. And this Campaign will be done at Malimbe Street.

I will be accompanied with Health Officer so that he can advise you on how fruits and vegetables are very important to your bodies. Therefore in order to accomplish this Campaign your response and accountability is required, thanks you a lot.


BAPRM 47647
         BENEFITS OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLE TO OUR SKIN                                                
MARKETING MANAGER                                                                                                MWEMUTSI CAROLINE BAPRM47603                                                                                                   
Your Skin Is a Reflection of Your Eating Habits
No matter how many skin care products you apply to the outside of your skin, if you aren’t eating healthy food to nourish your skin from within, your skin will look dull, unhealthy and undernourished. If you are loading up on sugary drinks, junk food and processed snacks, you are very likely to have acne prone, dull looking skin. Remember the famous quote, “You are what you eat”? Whoever said that wasn’t kidding. Eating these top 10 fruits for glowing skin everyday will make your skin healthier and more radiant.  
The following are the benefits of fruits and vegetable to our skin
1. Apples
Apples are the richest source of malic acid. This type of fruit acids is also known in the health world as alpha hydroxyl acid. Malic acid is gentler than other acids used in beauty treatments, such as glycolic and salicylic acid. Malic acid promotes healthier, firmer and youthful looking skin by renewing skin cells without damaging the skin layer.
If that’s not enough to convince you that an apple a day leads to glowing skin from within, consider the high fibre content in apples. Fibre helps to clean out the colon and promotes regular bowel movements, hence promoting clear pimple-free skin.
2. Avocados
Avocados are a highly nutritious food, hyped in the health world as a super food and often used to make vegan mayonnaise. Not only do they taste great, but they also offer amazing benefits for skin when consumed, as well as when applied topically.
Avocados contain biotin, also known as vitamin B. Biotin promotes cell regeneration and growth, resulting in faster growing hair and nails. Avocados also contain Vitamin E, known as “the Protector of Skin”. The fatty acids in this naturally fatty fruit help to provide skin with essential lubrication, which promotes youthful, glowing skin.
3. Bananas
Bananas contain high levels of potassium, which helps moisturizes and hydrates the skin, making it look fuller, more supple, and youthful. They contain various skin-healthy nutrients such as Vitamin A, B, and E.
The nutrients in bananas work to maintain the elasticity of skin, moisturize, prevent premature aging and wrinkles, soften and rejuvenate, and fade dark spots and blemishes. You can make your own banana face mask treatments at home. 
4. Kiwi
Kiwi is packed with Vitamin C. These fruits even contain more Vitamin C than oranges! Every 100 gm of kiwi has about 98 mg of Vitamin C, while the same weight of oranges contains about 54 mg. Vitamin C, also known as scorbutic acid, wards off colds and boosts the immune system. It also keeps skin looking younger and fresher ankles, soften and rejuvenate, and fade dark spots and blemishes.
5. Lemon
Speaking of citrus fruits, lemons are a great addition to your beauty regimen, as they are known to be “Nature’s Bleach.” Lemons safely whiten and lighten skin and promote an even tone by reducing acne marks and blemishes. They also deep cleanse the skin by breaking down any grime clogging the pores.
For beautiful skin, drink a warm glass of honey and lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach. This miracle drink is purported to have many health benefits, including reducing the darkness of blemishes and cleaning out acne
6. Papaya
Papaya extracts are widely used in the skin care industry in the form of facial peels, soaps, cleansers, and lotions. But why go after chemical treatments when you can enjoy the goodness of papaya, fresh and cheap! Eat papaya regularly. You can also mash it and apply to skin for a youthful bright glow.
Papaya contains a large amount of Vitamin A/ Beta Carotene and an important enzyme, Papaya. Papaya is not only an important digestive aid that breaks down inactive proteins, it also a powerful antioxidant. It counters free radical damage on skin and also helps heal damaged skin by speeding up cell regeneration.
7. Pineapple
Ever heard of lamebrain, the anti-inflammatory enzyme, which is used widely for its numerous health benefits? Well, pineapple contains an large content of natural lamebrain. This enzyme has special benefits for skin as a gentle exfoliate. Use pineapple juice or pulp topically to help clear off dead skin and reveal beautiful, glowing skin.
Pineapple also contains anti-oxidants that neutralize free-radical damage. Pineapple hydrates and softens skin from the inside out and lightens blemishes, resulting in clearer-looking skin.
8. Strawberries
Apart from a high Vitamin C content, strawberries also contain an important alpha hydroxide acid, known as cyclical acid. You may have heard of cyclical acid for acne treatments. It is known to penetrate deep into the pores and clean them out. It can unclog oily pores and stop pimples from forming. This will help clear out milia, whiteheads, and blackheads before they become stubborn pimples.
Strawberries also contain a powerful anti-oxidant called ellagic acid, proven to prevent the destruction of collagen that leads to wrinkle formation. Ellagic acid has a photo-protective effect that guards against UV damage.



Tomato production is an important part of Tanzania’s economy, as well as a food source for its people. Tomatoes are among the vegetable crop grown by small scale farmers for both home use and domestic markets and can be grown all year round.
It is important to note that tomatoes grown under Greenhouse are of a better quality than ordinary ones because they are grown in a controlled environment
Market for Tomatoes
The demand for tomato comes from the following areas
·         Hotels
·         Restaurants
·         Local consumers
·         Schools
·         Institutions
·         Processors for tomato Juice
Ideas about growing Tomatoes
Tomatoes can be grown in the smallest of spaces. For example, in a three foot squared space, you can plant six tomatoes plants.
·         They take between two to three months from seed to ripening.
·         Application of composite manure improves the yield.
·         Mulching using grass is advisable too.
·         The standard spacing for tomatoes is 18 inches.
·         Tomatoes are grown as a sole crop intercropping is not advisable
Varieties of Tomatoes
There are many varieties of tomatoes on the market including the following:
·         Money maker.
·         Heinz.
·         Roma.
·         Marglobe.
·         San-marzano.
·         Amateur rodade.

Diseases and pests that attack tomatoes
The tomatoes are attached by the following diseases:
·         Bacteria wilt,
·         Blights,
·         Blossom and
·         Fungal diseases.
The pests that attack tomatoes include Aphids, Boll worms and Termites.
All the above can be controlled using both natural and artificial measures including the use of specialised pesticides like Dithane and Dursban.
Values from Tomatoes
Tomato crop has the following uses:
·         It is a cash crop
·         It  a food crop which is used in many cooking recipes
·         Tomatoes are nutritious vegetables that provide good quantities of vitamins A and C.
·         It is used to make tomato sauce
Constraints for Tomato Growing
The small scale farmers face the following challenges:
·         Raising right varieties by farmers
·         Lack of training sites for farmers on propagation of right planting materials.
·         Diseases, pests and high costs to combat them
Limited funds to improve farm productivity

Friday, June 09, 2017

BAPRM 47634
The following are the some fruits and vegetable its benefit to our body according to scientists
10 Vegetables That Are Actually Fruits
1. Aubergine – 3% pretty much tied with olives, the uniquely colored aubergine was correctly identified as a fruit by 3% of those surveyed. It really does look like a vegetable though. Which brings us to the number 1 fruit most commonly mistaken for a vegetable and this one really shocked me. (Click next to find out!
2. Olives – 3% A staple of the healthy, Mediterranean diet, the olive is in fact a fruit. Only 3% of people got this one. Would you have got it right.
3. Butternut Squash – 4% Just 4% of those surveyed were able to correctly identify Butternut Squash as a vegetable and it’s easy to see why. No way would I have got this one!
4. Pepper – 9% when you want to add a little kick to your salad you add that well known vegetable pepper right? Wrong, you are actually adding a little known fruit! Yep, peppers are fruits and only 9% got this right.
5. Avocado – 12% just over one in ten people were able to correctly identify the avocado as a fruit. Avocados are a superfood, which contain healthy fats, loads of vitamins and have even been found to help prevent certain types of cancer.
6. Cucumber – 32% This one is not quite so obvious. It’s green and certainly looks vegetable (it’s a word ok!), but the seeds mean the cucumber is in fact a fruit, which was correctly identified by 32% of those surveyed.
7. Tomato – 52% I must admit I was a little surprised to find out that only 52% of people surveyed correctly identified the tomato as a fruit. Would you have got this one right?