Saturday, April 01, 2017


Lucky vegetables and fruits is here by to welcome our customers. As a finance manager I want to tell you that, lucky vegetables and fruits is a company which ensure the good health of an organization through investment activities and long term financing strategies. 

Here is the report of what we sold in the previous month which is March. 
A sum of  10,5000,000/= tsh is the amount of money that we got, and we are expecting to prepare an event, as a finance manager I will make sure that we will going to sell more than the actual amount we got on March, since we will have some visitors who will visit our events. 

We shall have a lot of offers to our customers who will visit our events. Lastly I want to tell you that there will be the changing of technological advances which will significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to produce the financial reports.


BAPRM 47527


As a human resource manager of lucky fruits and vegetables co. Ltd, I take this opportunity to inform my customers concerning the event that I announced last time. the event that will bring our customers together and share a lot of things together concerning our services and products. 

The event will be held on April 7th at Samanene hostel with no charge, it will start at 9 am to 6 pm. During the event, you will be given chance to bring out your advice and comments concerning our products and services. Also you will be given education concerning the use of fruits and vegetablesFood and everything will be given for free. You all welcome.

BAPRM 47493


It is advised that to have good health, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, fruit and vegetables may reduce your risk for diseases such as heart disease, cancer, obesity and diabetes. Some detox diets promote eating only fruit and vegetables for a period of time to clean up the system of toxins and improve digestion. Although these diets work well, there's no harm in eating only fruits and vegetables for some days. 

Just be sure to resume your normal diet including all of the food groups at the end of the three days. Speak to your doctor if you have any health conditions that may make it dangerous for you to follow a fruit and vegetable diet. Due to eat fruits and vegetable also human being may reduce the heavy weight and become slim as fruit and vegetables works well.

As a human being taken serious on your diet, may choose any fruit or vegetable to include in your someday diet. Variety is important, as you are not eating too many starchy fruits and vegetables like potatoes, corn and bananas. 
These can make your blood sugar and potentially leave you feeling drained of energy. All types of greens are good choices, as well as avocados, tomatoes, beets, carrots, cucumbers, all types of squash, asparagus, cabbage, mangoes, water melons, grapes, onions, bell peppers, citrus fruits and berries.

By: SHAYO PASCAL J                                                                                       
  BAPRM 47634


Watermelons are mostly water about 92 percent but this refreshing fruit is soaked with nutrients. Each juicy bite has significant levels of vitamins A, B6 and C, lots of lycopene, antioxidants and amino acids. There even a modest amount of potassium. Plus, this quintessential summer snack is fat-free, very low in sodium and has only 40 calories per cup. The following are reasons why your advised to use water melon.

Heart health: water melons high levels of lycopene are very effective at protecting cell from damage and may help lower the risk of heart disease.

Hydration: watermelons are the perfect example of a food that can help you stay hydrated’ said Jarzabkowski. Their water content can help you keep hydrated, and their juice is full of good electrolytes. This can even help prevent heat stroke.

Digestion: The watermelon contains fiber, which encourages a healthy digestive tract and helps keep you regular.

Cancer prevention: like other fruits and vegetables, Watermelons may be helpful in reducing the risk of cancer through their antioxidant properties.

Skin and hair benefit: vitamin A is stellar for your skin, and just a cup of watermelon contains nearly one quarter of your daily recommended intake of it.
Muscle soreness: watermelon-loving athletes are in luck drinking watermelon juice before an intense workout helps reduce next day muscle soreness and heart rate.


BAPRM 47647 (PRO)