Saturday, May 20, 2017



BAPRM 47634


This is real that which advised by the specialist on how to eat Fruits and vegetables which is high in vitamins, minerals and fiber and they are low in calories. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables may help you control your weight and blood pressure.

They are all good, if you eat many different types of fruits and vegetable, you are sure to get all the different types of nutrients you need. The American Heart Association recommends filling at least half your plate with fruits and vegetables in order to make it to the recommended some cups of each per day. The good news is that all produce counts, which means canned, fresh and frozen varieties can help you reach your goal.

When buying canned, dried or frozen vegetables and fruit, be sure to compare food labels and choose the products with the lowest amount of sodium and added sugars.

Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins, minerals and fiber and they are low in calories. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables may help you control your weight and blood pressure.



Lucky fruits and vegetables brings you the health benefit of eating fruits and vegetables, it is our policy to sale for you different kind of fruits and vegetables and today as a marketing manager i came up with the benefit of having fruits to our customers.

Eating a diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables has been linked to improved health, and for good reason. Veggies and fruits (both fresh and frozen) are loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, which have been shown to protect against chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. They are also low in calories, making them a great choice for your waistline. Choosing a colorful assortment vegetables is best, as different benefits exist in the different color spectrum. The orange pigment found in carrots, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes, for example, contain the antioxidant beta-carotene. The deep red pigment found in tomatoes contain the antioxidant lycopene, which is linked with prostate health.

And for some great news, here are two food groups where you can eat a large portion and not have to worry about weight gain. (Just watch your portion of starchy veggies such as corn and potatoes.)
With so much of a focus on eating low-carbohydrate diets, as a practicing nutritionist, I often get asked by my clients, “Will I gain weight if I eat too many fruits such as watermelon?” The answer is NO! In fact, quite the contrary. They are also low in calories, making them a great choice for your waistline. And, they are good for your health.
While all fruits and vegetables are healthy, below are several pointers on some nutrition powerhouses.
                                              "lets stay health"


An important issue in the design of intervention strategies is the fact that different types of consumers like socioeconomic groups. Acquire and utilize fruits and vegetables in different ways and there are different type of producers and suppliers in order to design sound.
Rural small holders producing fruits and vegetables for own consumption and market supply posses the following characteristics.
. Own production of fruit and vegetables
. Collection of fruits and vegetables
. Exchange of fruits and vegetables for other good including gifts
. Often tasks division between men and women whereby men produce cashcrops and women produce fruits and vegetables for own consumption around the house for in a small garden.
. Vegetables consumed are more often home grown fruits if consumed , more often purchased.
Mixed consumer rural and parricullary urban gardens but also dependant on market supply they have also posses the following characteristics.
. Often belonging to low-to mid income levels
. Fruits and vegetables which they grow are limited in range and amount.

BAPRM 47527



Sour sop is large prickly, heart shaped green colored fruit is mostly likely growing in the tropical region. This fruits is covered with ridges on the outside and has a very soft juicy fresh inside and generally fibrous fresh commonly this fruit is known as (stafeli) in Swahili.

Due to the demand of our customer that we should increase more variety of frits at our store such as sour sop fruits which are rare to find in the market, But the fruit is used in many ways such as often used in beverages, ice creams and other sweet foods, since we at our organization we care for you our dear customers so we have brought you other more variety of fruits more than you can imagine

And here are the things that I know you don’t know much on the importance of consuming this fruit that is apart from its great test ,amazingly this fruit has a lot of benefit health  to human and I will give you same of the benefits which are

The fruit can cure diseases because in history this fruit is known as MEDICINAL VALUE, because it contains the natural compound with medical benefit. There fore tis fruit can kill cancer cells up to thousand times and it more effective than the drugs

Apart from the fruits its self the whole tree from the leaves to the roots of this plant plays great role in human body since each part of the tree has its own benefits the leaves, bark, seeds, and the roots. This fruit is also good for skin hair and health at large

The frits had the following beneficiaries to the human body such  as, it kills cancer cells, it increases energy, it prevent the nerve damage, treatment of infant diarrhea, it relieves constipation, it promote sleep since it contains chemical called tryptophan that promote sleepiness and relaxation, it treats UTI,and relieves pain therefore these are just sum of the beneficiaries of consuming this fruit if you need more information about this fruit and many other fruits visit us at our organization and store we will serve to your desired products your warmly welcome

BAPRM 47506

The confusion about 'fruit' and 'vegetable' arises because of the differences in usage between scientists and cooks. Scientifically speaking, a tomato is definitely a fruit. True fruits are developed from the ovary in the base of the flower, and contain the seeds of the plant (though cultivated forms may be seedless). Blueberries, raspberries, and oranges are true fruits, and so are many kinds of nut. Some plants have a soft part which supports the seeds and is also called a 'fruit', though it is not developed from the ovary: the strawberry is an example.
As far as cooking is concerned, some things which are strictly fruits, such as tomatoes or bean pods, may be called 'vegetables' because they are used in savory rather than sweet cooking. The term 'vegetable' is more generally used of other edible parts of plants, such as cabbage leaves, celery stalks, and potato tubers, which are not strictly the fruit of the plant from which they come. Occasionally the term 'fruit' may be used to refer to a part of a plant which is not a fruit, but which is used in sweet cooking: rhubarb, for example.
So, the answer to the question is that a tomato is technically the fruit of the tomato plant, but it's used as a vegetable in cooking.

BAPRM 47515

                                                                 LUCKY FRUITS AND VEGETABLE COMPANY LTD, 
                                                                  P.O.BOX 1945,
P. O BOX 120,
            Dear Mr/Ms
                                    REF: ESTABLISHMENT OF JOINT VENTURE
            As the heading explains above, Lucky Fruits and Vegetable Company Ltd have an idea for establishing joint venture with your Company {Amesher Company Ltd}. Because yesterday we have discussed and now we agree that there is need both of us Companies to make joint venture in order to acquire a lot of customers and profit as well from our products and services that we supply.
            We will highly appreciate your response. Because our aim is to build good vision and mission among your Company and our Company that’s why we request to make joint venture with your Company.

Yours Sincerely, USWEGE MESHACK



BAPRM 47647


The Tanzania Horticultural Development Strategy 2012-2021

The Tanzania Horticultural Development Strategy 2012-2021

By Komba Brigida baprm 47531

The horticultural industry envisages developing a robust competitive horticultural sector capable of making the country self-sufficient in nutrition and sustainable supply of high quality horticultural produce for domestic, regional and international markets. The Tanzania Horticultural Development Strategy 2012-2021 is a demand-driven initiative of the horticulture stakeholders to exploit the fast growing demand and market opportunities available in the national, regional and international markets. This sub sector has been identified as one of the priority sectors in the National Export Strategy (2008), Kilimo Kwanza Resolution and key in diversification of the agricultural sector from overdependence on traditional primary products. It has a potential to become one of the main sources of foreign exchange earnings for Tanzania. The strategy envisages facilitating the development of horticultural industry so as to improve nutritional status, increase incomes and reduce poverty while increasing productivity and quality of the produce. Horticulture is an important sub-sector that can exploit the potential of the country particularly the underutilised arable land of 44.0 million ha and the irrigatable land of 29.0m ha that horticulture tapes. Currently the irrigated acreage is 290,000 ha which is very negligible size compared to the potential. The Tanzanian horticultural industry faces several universal challenges, namely, weak production base, low productivity and quality, invisibility and marginalisation, and limited access to finance especially lack of long-term financing and investment. It also faces bottlenecks in land, policy and infrastructure, inadequate market development support, weak industry linkages, limited entrepreneurship capability and inadequate skilled and competent human resources. For the Industry to attain its potential, it needs to overcome the following five key constraints: • Un-coordinated activities, • Inadequate information for development of the sub-sector, • Inefficient investment environment, • Insufficient awareness among Tanzanians about the economic and social potential for horticulture and • Limited access to micro credit for financing small scale farmers. However, responding to these challenges will require a greater degree of partnership between public and private actors. This strategy therefore, addresses key challenges facing the horticultural industry and proposes interventions to guide the development of the industry in Tanzania. These challenges are consistent with the national development priorities and goals, which are spelt out in the Tanzania National Development Vision 2025 as well as the poverty reduction frameworks namely; the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP or MKUKUTA) and the Zanzibar Poverty Reduction Plan (ZPRP or MKUZA). The primary goal of Vision 2025 is to improve the quality of life of the people of Tanzania through a strong, diversified, resilient and competitive economy with the capacity to adapt to changing markets and technological conditions.

How to Store Vegies and Fruits

We tend to waste a lot of fruits and vegetables at our homes, simply due to poor storage. As we know some frits may be a bit expensive, some not easily available and some may be easily rotten, but we can save all these costs by good storage. Today, let us learn a few general tips on how to store fruits and veggies in our kitchens.

v  Do Not Store Fruits and Vegetables Together. Fruits that give off high levels of ethylene (the ripening agent) can prematurely ripen and spoil surrounding vegetables. (Think of the "one bad apple" adage.)

v  For Vegetables: Before storing, remove ties and rubber bands and trim any leafy ends. Leave an inch to keep the vegetable from drying out. Make sure the bag you store the veggies in has some holes punctured to allow for good air flow. Pack vegetables loosely in the refrigerator. The closer they are, the quicker they will rot. Leafy greens can be washed before storing by soaking them in a sink full of water, while soft herbs and mushrooms should not be washed until right before they are used.
v  For Fruits: Non-cherry stone fruits, avocados, tomatoes, mangoes, melons, apples, and pears will continue to ripen if left sitting out on a countertop, while items like bell peppers, grapes, all citrus, and berries will only deteriorate and should be refrigerated. Bananas in particular ripen very quickly, and will also speed the ripening of any nearby fruits.

Hopefully, with the simple guidelines above we are now familiar on how to store our fruits and vegetables. Always keep it Fresh!
Ranana Muba
BAPRM 47593